Special Educational Needs
Provision for pupils with additional needs is a key priority for all at Cliffe Hill. Our figures show that we have a higher proportion of pupils on the SEND Register compared to national data and also for those pupils with an Education Health Care Plan. On this page you will find information relating to the provision for pupils with additional needs and the interventions in place to support both academic and social development.
What can we offer children with additional needs?
Early Identification
- In school tracking
- Discussions with parents/carers
- Observations
- High quality CPD for staff
- Individual Education Plans
- Personalised pastoral plans
- Referrals to other agencies/services
- In class differentiation
Additional support and documentation:
Communication with Parents
- Regular review meetings
- Annual reports
- Parents Together meetings, including inviting other services to present information
- Parent Consultation evenings
High Quality Class Teaching
- Ongoing assessment within lessons
- Curriculum planning
- Use of support staff
- Monitoring
Interventions matched to learner's needs
- Interventions targeted and personalised
- High quality training provided for all staff
- Interventions evaluated on a regular basis
- Personalised pastoral plans
Tracking of progress
- Tracking based on prior attainment
- Tracking of interventions
- Tracking against IEPs and personalised plans